7-day Exercise Plan
Day 1 Exercise
- March in place (standing or sitting)
Start with 2-3 minutes
- Foot circles
pick up one leg and draw circles with your foot while stretching your ankle. Try one minute on each side
- Leg extensions
While seated, extend your leg from the knee to work the quadriceps (front thigh muscles). Try 10 repetitions (reps) on each leg.
- Speed bag punches
Hold your arms up and circle your fists around each other as though you’re a boxer punching a speed bag. Start with thirty seconds on each side.
- Neck stretches
Day 2
- Imadinary jum rope
Try to do 3-4 minutes while standing
- Arm circles
Circle both arms forward for 30 sec then backward for 30 sec. do it 3 – 4 reps
- Wall push ups or push off
Stand flatfooted, facing a wall about two feet away. Starting with arms fully extended, lower yourself toward the wall, keeping your body straight and feet flat on the floor. Then, push away from the wall until arms are extended back to starting position. Work up to 10–12 reps.
Day 3
- Uppercut punch
Alternate punching up toward the ceiling for one minute. Keep elbows bent 90 degrees throughout the movement.
- Toe raises
Stand with the balls of the feet on a step so that your heels are off the floor. Lower the heels below one step level, then lift up to the balls of the feet for one minute
- Shoulder shrugs
Stand or sit with feet comfortably apart. Hold a weight in each hand.
- Side stretch (standing or sitting)
Day 4
- Dribble and shoot (standing or sitting)
Do for 2 minutes and pretend that you dribble 2 balls.
- Trunk twists (standing or sitting)
Twist your torso gently to your left side, reaching your left arm behind and bending your right arm across your stomach. Now, twist to the right side while you switch your arms and repeat for one minute
- Wall squat
Do for 12-15 reps and hold for a few second
- Walking lunges
Do for 10-12 reps.
- Triceps dip
on a seat with both hands behind you and fingers facing away from the seat. Bend your knees and lower yourself using only your arms. Lift and repeat. Work up to 10–12 reps.
- Crunch
Lie on the floor or mat with your arms behind your head and your knees bent. Lift up your upper torso, squeeze in your abs, lower slowly, and repeat
- Lower back
Day 5
- Chair squats
Sitiing in chair, lowering your body until your leg at 90 degree angle. Try to do 8-9 reps
- Inner thigh stretch
Sit on the floor. Drop knees toward floor, lower your torso toward the floor untuk you feel gentle tension in inner thighs. Hold for 30 sec
- Crab walk
Do the exercise 3-4 times for 30-40 sec
- Leg kicks
Day 6
- Knee lift (standing or sitting)
- Supermans
Do 15 – 20 reps for 3 sets
- Hip raise
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your arms out to your sides at a 45-degree angle, your palms facing up. Now, try to make your tummy as skinny as possible and hold it that way while breathing normally. Do for 10 reps
- Rag doll stretch
Let your head and upper body roll down slowly toward the floor. Hold the stretch for up to a minute. While bent over, let your arms swing like a pendulum to loosen the shoulders
Day 7
- The plank
Hold your body on push up position and try to hold 30 sec
- Band work
- Bicep curls
Hold wight in each hand and curl one wight up to your chin and try to do 10 – 12 reps each side
- Tunk rotations
Standing or sitting with hands on hips, slowly bend to the side, then to the front, then to the other side, making a half-circle with the upper body. Try to do 1 minutes each sides
- Calf stretch
Stand at arm’s length from a wall or a piece of sturdy exercise equipment. Place your right foot behind your left foot. Slowly bend your left leg forward, keeping your right knee straight and your right heel on the floor. Hold your back straight and hips forward. Try to hold for 30 sec each legs
- Tricep stretch
bring your left arm across your body and hold it with your right arm, either above or below the elbow. Try to hold 30 sec for each arm